Student Life
Student Life at Southpointe is welcoming, inspiring, fun, and inclusive.
It fosters friendships, encourages celebrations, and creates opportunities for our students to connect across all grades. Building relationships begins the moment we welcome our new families to Southpointe through our Buddy Programme and continues throughout each school year. We continue building connections with our Kindergarten & Grade 12 buddies, Grade 1 & Grade 10 reading partners, Grade 5 recess leaders, and Southpointe Island Program.
Our Island Program designates all students and staff from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to an Island Team with the purpose of creating camaraderie, engaging students in school spirit, and providing opportunities for leadership and teamwork. We encourage participation in all various clubs, activities, and service-learning initiatives available; when graduation approaches, our students are kind and responsible citizens who are partners in the Southpointe community for life.
Prefects & Student Council
Being selected as a Prefect is viewed as the pinnacle of student leadership at Southpointe. Prefects lead the student representatives who form the Student Councils in Grades 6-9 and 10-12 and work alongside the two student life coordinators representing the Junior School and Middle & Senior School.
Prefects enrich the school and student life by providing leadership to Southpointe students, speaking at ceremonies, and organizing various events such as student dances and school-wide initiatives. Prefects also assist the faculty, staff, and students in the daily operation of the school by performing duties, supervising activities, maintaining standards, and setting a positive example for other students.